More than Just Your Logo – Trademarks Protect Your Brand’s Identity


You have done a lot to establish your brand identity. You’ve created a brand that resonates with customers, identifies your products and makes you a trustworthy company to the market. In order to do all of that, you have spent a lot of time and money.

While you may think trademarks are just for your logo, they do a lot more than you might realize. A trademark protects your brand’s identity – and considering how much work you have put into creating it, that is something you cannot put a price on.

The Purpose of Using Trademarks

Trademarks are symbols, words, phrases even logos that distinguish themselves from others. When you register a trademark, it is protected and associated with your brand only – other companies or individuals who use your trademarked materials could be sued for infringement.

Trademarks, however, establish your brand. Think of companies like Starbucks, McDonald’s or even your local grocery store chain. They all have trademarked names, logos and possibly even slogans that make them easy to identify. When you see their trademarked material on their advertisements or products, you trust them, because you identify with that brand.

For a small business, a trademark is what customers look for when they are looking for a local business they can trust. As long as they have heard positive things about your business, they will work with you – and a trademark can prevent copycat companies from working under your business name (without your permission) and selling inferior services/products that tarnish your brand.

How a Trademark Lawyer Helps

A trademark protects your business, but sometimes you need extra help not only establishing your trademark, but protecting it. A trademark lawyer will help you through the application process – including researching other similar trademarks, filing your trademark, etc. But, an attorney can also prevent someone else from tarnishing your brand. Such as ordering a cease and desist on company’s operating under your trademarked logo or slogan – and preventing your brand identity from becoming a negative one.

Regardless of what you have established, a trademark is one of the best lines of defense in today’s economy. It keeps your brand recognizable, gives you a competitive edge, and protects your business.