How to Hire the Right Patent Trademark Attorney

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Getting proper protection for your intellectual property starts with hiring the right patent trademark attorney. Your attorney drafts your patent applications, offers you advice, and helps you through the process – which takes two to three years. But, even after it is complete, your patent is only as strong as the attorney who drafted it. Which is why it is imperative you start with the right patent trademark attorney.

Not All Attorneys are Patent Experts

Not all attorneys understand the complex laws of intellectual property – let alone patents. Even if an attorney is registered with the U.S. patent office, they may not be skilled in the industry you’re filling a patent for. Therefore, you need to perform your own due diligence before selecting just any lawyer to handle such an important task.

The Attorneys Background

Patent attorneys have a background in hard sciences – such as physics, chemistry or biology. They may have a background in engineering, computer sciences, etc. But, it is important to pick a patent trademark attorney that has a similar background to the product you are trying to patent. By doing so, you can ensure that the patent is written to the industry and specifics regarding your invention.


You will want to go with a patent attorney that has been in the business for several years and has done several successful patents. An attorney that is new to patents or one that rarely files them may not be up to date on the latest changes or have a track record of success when it comes to patent applications.

Independent Patent Searches

While it isn’t always required, you do want an attorney that can do ample research before filing your patent. After all, you need to make sure no one else has already filed a similar patent.

Customer Service Skills

Lastly, you want a patent trademark attorney you feel comfortable with. You will work closely with this individual for several years; therefore, you want someone you can talk to, who understands your project, and is there to help you.